
Happy New Year!

I hope everyone had a great Christmas and a Happy New Year! I can't believe 2nd Semester with your sweeties has started! It is hard to believe the year is half way over! The math homework I will be sending home is meant to challenge your kiddos and make them think outside the box a bit.  Encourage them to do the best they can and it may help if you are available to help them with a few they are struggling with.  We will go over these at school as well.  We will be taking the Star Reading test again to get Term 3 reading levels and goals.  Please encourage your kiddos to read at home and be ready to test at school!  Also keep working on those math facts! We will have a pizza party when everyone in the class has passed the addition facts! Not only do they need to know them but they have to be able to do 36 correct in 1 minute! We will be having the treat for the people that met their Term 2 goals on Friday.  Just a reminder our 2nd semester schedule is totally different than first semester.  Check it out!  I hope 2016 is your best year yet!!    

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